
Thursday, July 23, 2015


Some snapshots from running around New York over 4th of July weekend (we left from here to go to Iceland).  It was a nice stop off to spend a few days in the city, relaxing and catching up with some of my favorite people.  My friends brought me to some new fabulous lunch and dinner spots and we also did the ferry to Liberty Island for the first time.  I've had friends in NY since I starting going so I usually skip anything too touristy.  This was neat to see, especially with giant pretzels in hand on the 4th of July (so American of us!).  

Hop over to my photography blog if you would like to see the full shoot I did with Ashten on her rooftop and around Brooklyn.  New York I love you! 


(ps. my next NYC travel date is the weekend of October 9th if anyone would like to book me)


  1. Wow, all of these images are absolutely stunning. I am in complete awe of the architecture in New York, and you captured everything about the city in such an amazing way. I'm so glad you had such a great trip! So happy I've found your blog :)
