
Friday, September 12, 2014


images: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

I've been on a mission lately to get my office in shape for the busy months ahead.  Throughout the year I have arranged and re-arranged (using what I've had for a long time) to find that it just hasn't been quite right.  You see, a big issue is my battle between keeping everything organized and visually pleasing versus functionality (aka having my supplies out at all times so I can quickly and easily stop and start projects).  I decided to take the time to evaluate my process, the things I'm using everyday, and what set up will work best and keep me inspired for the long run. 

A few things I've considered are that I need three main areas in my office.  I need my messy table where I paint, my desk with my computer where I do my e-mailing, editing photos, etc) and a clean table I can use for packaging client projects and photographing my products.  Also, I've decided what bothers me most is seeing lose papers everywhere (and there are a ton of them between paintings, scans for clients, actual business paperwork, etc).  I decided to get a few filing cabinets like the above simple white one from Ikea.  These have helped sort my papers and I labeled each drawer with things like "artwork originals", "client artwork / scans", "to be scanned", etc.  This has helped tremendously in cleaning up the place!  Just a small step into it's complete makeover but I'm excited about the way things are turning out.  I took some (scary) before pictures so I hope to share both once I'm finished.  The above spaces are a few that inspire me greatly.  The fresh white walls, inspiration boards, and fun lights and accessories…love. 

Any tips on how you stay organized and productive while maintaining a space that is aesthetically pleasing?  Any resources for your favorite office supplies and furniture? 

And also, happy friday! xx 

1 comment:

  1. I love those office spaces. They are so spacious and airy.

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